Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Q - Quest - #AtoZChallenge

Before stepping into the hot sun, Alec surveyed the scene before him. The key could be anywhere here, but he had no more specifics.

Alec checked under every rock that appeared to have disturbed soil around it. He frantically checked around every tree and scanned the ground before him. He knew time was running out and he tried not to panic. All would be lost if he could not complete his mission quickly.

He could hear the grumbling growing on the other side of the wall. He knew holding off their wrath meant securing the key before all was ruined.

Feeling the heat beating down on his head, Alec dropped to his knees and cursed the sky. Lowering his head, he saw a slight glint of sunlight reflect off the floor of a structure before him. He dove after it and gave a cry of triumph. It was the lost key. All was saved.

Alec ran to the wall to declare his victory.

"Hey, guys. I found the key to the freezer. Bruno had taken it to his doghouse, but looks like he chewed your bacon strip key chain off. I'm tossing it over the wall. Someone get those beers on ice before more of them get warm. I'll be right over."

All this month, I am participating in the A to Z Challenge. A new post will go up every day (except Sundays) using a letter of the alphabet as the starting off point. My theme for the month is literary genres. I am writing in a different genre of flash fiction each day. Today's letter is Q for Quest.


  1. Now, THAT is a worthy quest.

  2. Interesting twist.... keys ....seriously they get lost so easily with or without Bruno

    1. Yes. And get the ice out of the freezer. Ice ALL that beer down.

  3. Nice one. I'm sure many have been on similar quests.

    1. Many many times. For me, it was usually the kids losing things for me.

  4. I thought he was searching for something a little more important than keys to the freezer but at least, it's a surprise ending. Beer is fine but who locks their freezer?

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I've only known ONE person who did. He did it because it was outside on his porch and he kept a lot of meat in it. Meat is expensive and he didn't want people swiping it.

  5. The quest is a comedy!
    I'll be honest, I thought this was gonna be more like fantasy.
    Ha ha ha. Twist on me!
    This story is why we really have those easter egg hunts as kids.


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