Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Y - Youth

I have worked with youth in some form for over 20 years. Whether a youth group leader, camp counselor, teacher or youth minister.

Despite all the kids I worked with, the ones I most remember were from 15 to 20 years ago. These were the high school kids who were part of one of the first youth groups I led. And the kids who attended the summer camp where I was the counselor and sometimes the dean.

At the time, I was just doing my job. I did love these kids and poured my heart into serving them, but it was just my life at the time. Planning lessons, counseling, visiting, connecting, going on outings and all the other stuff involved was just part of it.

However, as time has gone by, social media has entered the scene and over the last several years, I have reconnected with many of them. I get to see how their lives turned out. They are married and have children. They've gone off and started their careers. Some of them are doing amazing things.

A few of them are ministers. There are several teachers. One girl is a National Park ranger. Several served in the military (a few did not come back). Many have started their own businesses. Most of them have started their families. And a few of them I am still close enough to that we talk on a regular basis. It has been amazing to watch them all grow into adults.

Now that they are grown, I can't help but wonder what influence I had. Whether good or bad or nothing. I was quite involved in a number of their lives and know that I shaped part of the way they think.

Whatever influence I may or may not have had, today I am just thankful that I got to be part of their journey through life.

This month, I am participating in the A to Z Challenge. Each day this month, people around the world are writing blog posts and working their way through the alphabet. Each person decides their own personal theme. I am writing about people who have affected my life.


  1. I'm the opposite. People who were a part of my past and aren't now can remain in the past. I have reconnected with few (compared to you) people from my ancient history. I interact with even fewer. My life is in the now.

    1. I also live in the now. Connecting up lets each other now what we are doing now.

      Every person I have EVER known is a person I met in my past. As for the ones I haven't met yet, I can't add them on Facebook because I don't know who they are.

  2. I wonder that about a couple of the kids I worked with, too. I think I made a difference with one and I'm always curious if he thinks so, too.

    1. I've got one who loves to tell people what I did in his life. Love that kid.

  3. It's amazing to see how they turned out, isn't it?

  4. I think it's interesting to look back and then forward to see how friends, co-workers, etc. have turned out/are doing.

    DB McNicol, author
    A to Z Microfiction: Yak


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