Since they had my driveway blocked, I had to park next door. They stopped me as I walked into my yard. After showing them my ID to prove that I lived there, they explained that they had responded to a report of breaking and entering. One of my vigilant neighbors was out walking his dog at six in the morning and saw a guy attempting to crawl through a window of my house. Thankfully, he promptly called it in.
I asked to go inside to see what was missing or damaged and they assured me that he never made it inside. The officer said that he couldn't lift himself through the window and it was doubtful that his gut would have fit through it anyway. The perpetrator so out of breath from his attempts, he didn't even try to run when they arrived.
They showed me to the squad car to see if it might be someone I knew. I recognized him immediately. It was the Awards Fairy. I have had several encounters with him already.
Past Award Fairy Experiences:
The Awards Fairy Came By
Return of the Awards Fairy
Awards Fairy Detox
The Awards Fairy Strikes Again
The Awards Fairy Is Still At It
Since he wasn't carrying any identification, they were happy that I could identify him. However, I still don't know his name, so I was of little help.
The officer said that when they arrived on scene the fairy was carrying a large plaque that had my name on the back. He wanted to know if it was mine.
I accepted it and thanked the officers for their quick response. Based on past experience, if the Awards Fairy had succeeded in getting into my house, I would have been stuck with him for a long time and he would have cost me dearly in long distance charges and pizza delivery bills OR he would have just robbed me blind once he caught his breath.
Once I told the officers I would be eager to press charges and fully cooperative in their investigation, they left and I went inside to look at the award. It had been sent by Lady Goo Goo Gaga.
Lady Goo Goo Gaga is a native of Connecticut who gets invited to movie premieres. Although, I get the impression that there isn't much elbow-rubbing with the stars. She has two kids, so she is familiar with all the sacrifices that being a parent comes with (no sleep, no personal TV choices, no love life, a trashed house, no time to converse with adult-type people, etc). She didn't say any of that; I'm just remembering having small children. Lucky for us, she finds time to blog. She is linked up to several MOMMY BLOG sites and would appreciate your vote.
As she sent this award to me, the plugged my Twitter feed saying that is was very funny. I really haven't promoted my Twitter on here, so I will jump on the bandwagon with her. Please, follow my Twitter page and check out her blog.
As usual, there are conditions that go along with receiving an award. I am to list 10 facts about myself.
- I am still in shock that they killed Opie. You either know what I am talking about here or you don't. No need to explain further either way.
When I was teaching in Puerto Rico, I had several students who referred to me as 'Feeny,' a reference to the teacher from Boy Meets World. I took it as the biggest compliment that could be received.
- Now that my daughter has a job, she has fallen in love with online shopping. Packages arrive weekly.
- I have a friend whose grandfather holds the record for the highest recorded blood-alcohol content that did not result in death.
- My son was shown on ESPN punching the Cardinal's mascot FREDBIRD in the face.
- He also sang on the field at BUSCH STADIUM during the 7th inning stretch with my mother.
- I have visited the house where A Christmas Story was filmed. They even had the leg lamp in the window.
- I have been bitten by a shark. It was a baby, but it still counts.
- I once left a store and hopped in a vehicle that was not mine. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out why my key wouldn't work.
- I broke a tooth eating popcorn.
Just wanted to be the first comment!!! That's all...RIP OPIE!!!! Show isn't going to be the same...(said that too after Donna, and Pinney died too...) Jema is next to go I think....
ReplyDeleteOpie will be missed. Donna was too minor a character. No one missed her. They cannot knock off Jemma.
DeleteI really wouldn't suggest killing the awards fairy. He may cause you a lot of trouble but it would suck if you were sent to prison. Congrats on the award though!
ReplyDeleteI'll bet I would have lots of interesting things to blog about from prison.
DeleteI have an award sitting in my comment section that I can't yet open because of a firewall block. Hmm...
ReplyDeleteNo idea about Opie. I do know they killed Kenny.
Kenny gets killed too often for anyone to even notice anymore.
DeleteI ran over to that site and you actually won 4 awards. Have fun with that.
Thank god the Award Fairy didn't get inside. He'd still be asking you all sorts of questions while pilfering from your fridge.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he would find me if I moved.
DeleteSince he is dropping by that often you may as well give him a key and enjoy the ride :)
ReplyDeleteSo far, every time we have crossed paths, it's been a train wreck.
DeleteI leave my doors and windows wide open at night. I leave a trail of fairy dust up the garden path, along with a big neon sign that sign that says "Fairies stop here!", and yet, the awards fairy doesn't visit often...
ReplyDeleteI think your problem may be with the fairy dust. Most fairy dust is used as a repellant to keep them away. You may want to check that you have the right kind.
DeleteSo, what was your friend's grandfather's BAC? Just curious - Maybe I can beat the record! (KIDDING I am KIDDING)
ReplyDeleteI really don't remember the number. It has been a few years.
DeleteI don't know why I never noticed your Awards Fairy posts before. What a great way to do those award-passing-on-things! And certainly fun to read, at least. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteWriting awards post quickly became my least favorite posts to write. I enjoy acknowledging other great blogs, but didn't like writing the posts. I created the award fairy so I could still have some creativity in these posts. Thank you.