Thursday, April 28, 2016

X is for Xenodochial

As a participant in the A to Z Blogging Challenge, I will be making my way through the alphabet all month.

I had a difficult time coming up with a word for X, but a quick Google search found a suitable word for me. Xenodochial describes me pretty well. It means 'friendly to strangers'.

I love meeting new people. I can make a temporary friend anywhere. I talk to people while standing in line, sitting in a restaurant, walking down the sidewalk, stuck on a carnival ride, or being anywhere that other people are around. Not standing at a urinal, though. That is an understood No Talking Zone.

I have even been known to walk up to a person eating alone in a restaurant to ask if I can join them. I've met some very interesting people that way. I was even offered a job during one of these encounters. It's almost always worth it.

Very rarely do I make a permanent connection with these people. It is just for conversation and entertainment in the moment. I'm not trying to start a new friendship or actually get involved in someone's life. I know there are benefits to having more friends, but that is just not my interest. I enjoy being friendly to strangers and the more actual friends I make, the less strangers there are to choose from.


  1. I bet you find most people really are approachable,huh? And I bet you have developed a sense of those who "just want to be alone".
    Even though I am shy, I will respond with a smile and a chat to the guy or gal in front of me in line.

    1. Most people are and I have rarely encountered someone who was rude to me. It is easy to tell pretty quickly which ones are just being nice and really don't want to be bothered. I try to move on from them.

  2. Blog comment sections...
    I am definitely the opposite. I create a bubble around myself in public, and am often startled to find a stranger talking to me! Well, not "often" because I think my bubble projects a "do not disturb" aura to the majority of people.

    1. Yeah. If not for the online aspect, I might not have been able to break through.

  3. My husband and son are like that. I'm too shy, but I love the way they're so comfortable with it. Great trait to have, wish I did.

    1. I used to have my youth group kids go out and take polls (silly questions) to get them to open up about talking to people outside of their friend circle. It was really difficult for some of them.

  4. I had to stop by, Brett, just to find out what the heck 'xenodocial' meant. A professor of mine would have called that a 'nice word to bring out at parties'. :O) Two more days!


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