Wednesday, April 27, 2016

W is for Writer

As a participant in the A to Z Blogging Challenge, I will be making my way through the alphabet all month.

Someone once told me that bloggers aren't writers. I'm not sure that that's true. You really can't blog without writing, therefore someone who blogs is a writer. However, any idiot can start a blog and I have seen a few that are barely decipherable. Going outside to play basketball does not necessarily make you a basketball player. Maybe it comes down to whether you get paid for it or not. I really don't know and I'm not going to put that much thought into it, but I do know that I have been writing for a long time and want to be considered to be a writer.

This week I am starting on my first book. I have spent the last couple of months going over the story, jotting down major plot points, coming up with characters, and even talking to a few published authors for some pointers. I believe I am ready to start the writing and am excited to get going.

My writing style has generally been humorous and that is the direction I plan to go with this book. It will be a horror-humor conglomeration that, hopefully, will not have words like conglomeration in it. That's such an ugly sounding word. Don't say it out loud. Trust me.

As I progress I may write some about the process, but haven't decided yet. I might just want to unleash the finished product on the world. We'll see. Wish me luck and feel free to start pre-ordering.


  1. Congratulations on starting the book!
    I wrote my first book during NaNoWriMo 2013. Since then I have revised the entire story (probably 90%) and I'm currently writing the second draft. It is exhilarating and excruciating work - all at the same time.

    Molly @MyCozyBookNook
    My Cozy Book Nook
    Revising Life after 50

    1. Thank you. It's the process that has me most concerned. Do I just start writing? How much plot do I need to have figured out before I launch into it? Should I have full character development already or can they still be formed as I write?

  2. "Horror-humor" makes me think of some of the Christopher Moore books that feature vampires, or zombies, or occasionally demons, yet are very strong on the humor element.
    Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    1. That is what I'm going for. Serious and scary situations with a flair for the comedy thrown in.

  3. Good luck with your writing! There's so much help available online (sometimes, too much). I agree it depends on the blog whether the blogger should be considered a writer or not LOL. But even the least talented blogger is more of a writer than those who just think about writing 'some day' and don't get down to business.

    1. That is very true. By even the loosest definition of the word, you have to be writing 'something' to hold the title.

  4. I've written a few books, so I guess I'm not an idiot. But, they really haven't sold too many copies. So, I guess I'm KIND of an idiot.

    1. I hear many writers don't get popular until after they've died.

  5. I think writing humor is one of the most difficult choices, but you clearly have the talent. Go for it! Will cheer you all the way!

    1. Thank you. Someone asked me if there would be a romantic interest for the main character. That idea scared me! Romance is something I think would be completely out of my grasp.

    2. Romance is the one area that people surprise themselves. You should try it, I bet even you will be pleasantly surprised, and with your humorous slant, perfection!

    3. I may have to take you up on that

  6. Good luck! You can clearly write... I'm a published writer and I also blog... not all the time, if I'm really busy i leave it for a while. ~Liz

    1. Thank you. I'm ready to have the title Published Author next to my name.

  7. Thank you for this! I've often thought about writing, and not just as a blogger. I have so many self-doubts that I can barely decide what I would write about, if and when I decide to actually 'write'. Congrats on starting your first book!

    #AtoZChallenge W is for Wilson Phillips

    1. Thank you. For me, I just had to decide I was finally going to do this. I then had a loose idea and the more I thought about the plot and the world started coming together.

  8. When I just talk about life in general on my blog, I don't consider it "real" writing. But when I write an informative post, like I've been trying to do for the A to Z, I think that should count.
    Congratulations on starting your first book and best of luck to you!
    Carol at My Writing Journal

    1. Thank you. For the A to Z, I've just been cranking them out. I'm trying to get back in the habit of writing every day. I am very proud of some of my older posts when I spent more time on the craft of writing.

  9. I am happy to say that I am one of those folks who write barely decipherable blog posts. It is quite amusing to make no sense. I got my inspiration from the presidential candidate that I like to call Mighty Mouth.
    Here is one of those barely decipherable blog posts. It is barely decipherable because I interviewed Mighty Mouth and the Democratic President Wanna-Be, Midas Mouth.

    1. People can do whatever they like on their blogs. I don't have a problem with it. It's their blog. It's just hard to call some of them writers.


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