I am down to my last week of class for the semester and have a huge assignment looming over me. When I sat down to write tonight's post, I couldn't concentrate, so here is
a post from two years ago. I wrote this in the midst of the huge snow storm two years ago not knowing if we were going to survive.
For the last few days the National Weather Service has been warning us that the largest storm to hit the area since weather started being recorded in 1886 is coming to kill us all. The forecast was a few days of ice with up to an inch of accumulation and then 12 to 18 inches of snow. Since history is about to be made and I knew about it ahead of time, I started chronicling the events for future generations.
January 30, 2011
7:28pm Arrive at Wal-Mart to stock up for the impending doom. I get everything on my list, but know there is something I haven’t thought of.
January 31, 2011
12:43pm Right on time, the ice starts falling from the sky and coating everything.
1:30pm Central A&M (Kirsten’s school) calls it a day and sends the students home. Ice continues to fall.
6:30pm Receive text that Central A&M is cancelled for the following day.
6:32pm The ice storm stops.
February 1, 2011
5:59am Receive text that LCU (Lincoln Christian University – my school) is closing for the day.
6:03am It occurs to me that I take online classes so the closure does not really affect me.
11:18am The ice starts falling again, but much harder and accompanied by 35 m.p.h. gusts of wind.
12:30pm Receive text telling me not to come to work that day.
4:25:17pm The power goes out
4:25:19pm Hear cursing from next apartment and loud exclamation, “NO!!! I WAS RIGHT AT THE END OF THE LEVEL!!! I HAVEN’T SAVED IT!!!”
4:26pm Locate a flashlight and establish martial law in the apartment. Do not open the fridge or the front door.
5:05pm Receive text to not go to work the next day.
5:08pm Without television, decided to watch the storm out the window.
5:12pm Observed unprepared neighbor trying to chip the ice off his windshield with a hatchet.
5:19pm Observed neighbor give up and go back inside.
5:26:03pm Alex (Kirsten’s boyfriend) offers for us to ride out the outage at his house with his parents.
5:26:12pm I tell Kirsten I am staying to keep the pipes from freezing and the python since his heat lamp was out and he is cold-blooded.
5:26:17pm Kirsten leaves me alone in the apartment.
5:48pm Receive text that Central A&M is canceled for next day.
5:54pm The sun sets and the apartment is in total darkness.
5:56pm I stub my toe on kitchen table.
6:03pm I remember the thing I forgot when I was stocking up for this storm: candles.
6:08pm I speak to my parents in Florida to let them know what is going on. They tell me about their new shorts and the fish they caught that day.
6:14pm I decide not to talk to my parents again until June.
6:18pm The wind picks up and the trees start breaking off.
6:23pm I step out into the stairwell to converse with the neighbors about the declaration that people are not allowed to leave town. Road travel has been forbidden.
6:29pm The neighbors start drawing straws to determine who has to make a cigarette run.
8:09pm Our python wakes up and comes out of his resting place to seek out heat. Since the heat lamp is out, I put him in my sweatshirt.
8:12pm An ungrateful reptile bites me on the nipple.
8:19pm I stub my toe in the bathroom.
8:35pm Receive text from Kirsten that she is ready to come home. Apparently, she was just going to visit for a while.
8:37pm Begin scraping windshield.
8:43pm Wishing I had a hatchet.
8:56pm Decided that the 2 foot square section I cleared would have to be enough. Started van.
9:03pm Finally got maneuvered out of parking lot.
9:04pm Stopped a half-block from the apartment. Windshield was frozen again.
9:06pm Discover that I am stuck in the middle of the road.
9:09pm Got loose in time to have to clean the windshield again.
9:12pm Used my memory to guess where I was going since I gave up trying to see.
9:17pm Retrieved Kirsten and battled our way back home.
9:32pm Arrive at home after this 30 minute adventure. (Kirsten was only 4 blocks away.) I should have just walked.
9:54pm Power comes back on.
9:56pm While putting flashlight away I find a box of candles.
After 4 hours and 29 minutes, the power is back on and hope is restored. I pray that my records serve as a guiding light for future generations as they reflect on this dark period.
February 2, 2011
7:08am Punxsutawney Phil predicts early spring.