Monday, February 4, 2013

Test Your Funny Bone #14

It's the time of the week again when we get to see how funny my readers are. I supply the picture and you supply the caption to go with it.

For the last several weeks, any time I come across a strange picture I save it for possible use later. I have so many saved up, I've been having trouble deciding which ones to use. My daughter helped out this week and chose this picture.

Leave your funniest caption in the comment section and I will post the caption on Friday.


Super Bowl XLVII
Baltimore Ravens 34
San Francisco 49ers 31


  1. When I told these guys to look both ways when crossing the road, they thought I meant "cool" and "ridiculous".

  2. One of these things is not like the others.

  3. Future so bright gotta wear shades!

  4. Spike to Fido "Can you believe that guy is back... Do you really think he thinks he is one of us?... Maybe we can get him to pee on a tire."

  5. Snoop's younger brother Woodstock and his K-Blinds never really caught on.

  6. After 15 years of speculation, we finally know who let the dogs out.

  7. Yo, dog! No seriously, yo dog...check them out.

  8. Never willing to let a disability keep them from having a good time, the gang decided take their seeing-eye human out for a night on the town.

  9. What? How come I'm the only one who can't Snoop-morph tonight? Now I feel ridiculous...

  10. damn it, i laughed so hard at vinny's i don't think i can top it...

  11. This yellow shirt is helping me blend like a ninja


PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT! I wrote this for you.

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But if you choose Anonymous, please let me know who you are unless you really do not want me to know.