Last Monday, I presented the following picture for you to supply a caption for. I received 15 captions from 13 different readers. The captions follow the picture. Only one person went for the whole ginger "they have no soul" hating route.
Neal Call of Raised by my Daughter
- Introduce Shakespeare to your kids at your own risk. For every "Much
Ado About Nothing," you've also got a "Titus Andronicus."
- Groupies. Even Sweeney Todd has them.
Rachel of When a Lion Sleeps
When little Annie said she wanted a Barbie cake for her birthday, this was not what she had in mind.
Ann Bennett
Help,I've fallen and I can't get out!
"Young Carol's parents didn't know that she was gathering vocational ideas, at the time."
Stephen Hayes of The Chubby Chatterbox
"Someday if I'm lucky maybe I'll get a job where I get to jump out of a cake."
Sandee of Comedy Plus
Even that doll is prettier than I am.
What where they thinking when they made this cake?
I hate blondes.
Have a fabulous day. :)
What where they thinking when they made this cake?
I hate blondes.
Have a fabulous day. :)
Rachael of Rachael's Insane Rants and Bizarre Musings
I'm so excited..*yawn*...a barbie cake...think I'll bite it's head off and feed the decapitated body to the dog.
Shane Morgan of In Shane's Brain
"Don't look up but I think that beef cake is checking me out"
Red of Doesn't Speak Klingon (my sweetie)
I wanted "Red Velvet Barbie"... she wears a red velvet dress, not a red velvet cake. Bleah.
Winopants of Wino on a Ramble
The travails of raising a ginger:
"But mommy, that's just plastic. When can I get a real soul for my birthday?"
"But mommy, that's just plastic. When can I get a real soul for my birthday?"
Shannon of the Squeaky Wheel Blog
Marla's parents didn't exactly know how to tell their daughter that
ginger girls don't get beautiful dresses to wear to dances they probably
wouldn't be invited to anyway, so they opted to show her instead.
Kate Hall of Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine...
Oh Aunt Arlene, it looks just like me...beautiful.
- Jackie really was not loving her mother's sample of how her debutant gown would look.
- Even at the tender age of 10, Penny knew red was not a good color for her, even on a cake.

"Transformed Non-Conformist" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.
Thank you. I will come by to check it out.