Monday, March 18, 2013

Test Your Funny Bone #20 - Gansta Easta Bunny

I have been preparing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge, so I am not going to give a long introduction this week. Plus, since this is the twentieth week in a row for this feature, I think everyone knows how it works by now.

I supply the picture and you give me your funniest caption to go with it. Leave your captions in the comment section and I will post all the responses I get next week.

Here is this week's picture:

The challenge starts now. Leave your funniest caption in the comment section.

Make us laugh!!


  1. Where my bitches at?

    It's on a leash for a reason mo' fo'

    Bunny couldn't look him in the face; white sneakers were so 90s.

  2. Yo, I asked for honeys, not bunnies!

  3. Uh, lemme see. I ate Cottontail, that's one. Uhh, Lucky. That's two. And Patches makes three.

  4. Cleveland Brown Jr. just keepin' it gangsta.

    (for reference)

  5. He hadn't lied about his pet doberman, the dog was at home; "Fluffy" was just for dinner.

  6. Is the guy saying 'Eat it? This is the bait'

  7. So which is the chocolate candy filled with marshmallow fluff?

    and (Naturally)

    "Brave knights, that's the most foul, cruel, and bad tempered rodent you ever set eyes on." from...


    1. I may have to give extra points for the Monty Python reference

  8. Bunnies and honeys like a true playa!!



  9. Hiding eggs on the West Side of the yard since 1989, yo.

  10. I'm not great at coming up with captions, but that's one "interesting" looking guy. :)

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  11. #1 : Dear Bunny god up in the sky, why did you pair me with this guy?

    #2:Lets, see I had five little bunnies, two were caught by the cat....

  12. Li'l Loc had fallen quite far down the rabbit hole since his glory days of rollin' wif da Bloods.

    Don' hate da playa; hate da bunny.

    "Yo Homes-- I caint be makin' no dooty wif you flashin' yo gangsta-trash friends behind me, see whut I sayin'?"

    1. I don't usually comment on what people leave for captions, but these are great.

  13. You know it's been one hell of a party when you wake up stagger outside and find you are tethered to a rabbit.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


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