I was pleased to get to participate and happy to have it behind me, but when I sat down at my computer today, I discovered that November is National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). BlogHer has challenged bloggers to post daily for the entire month, and by daily, they mean every day, including Sundays and Thanksgiving. There are no breaks. Participants must post every single day in November.
Despite just finishing a two month long challenge where I posted 5 days a week, I decided to participate and jump right into this one. I will have to step up my game since I have to write 7 days per week for the next month. Since I presently post each night while I am at work, the only change I will have to make is posting on my days off as well. I am ready to meet the challenge.
For anyone else interested in participating, BlogHer offers incentives. On Tuesday and Thursday of each week, they will be giving away prizes to the blogs that have posted every day up to that point. They are giving away tickets to the BlogHer '13 conference which will be held in Chicago on July 25-27. I plan to actually make it to this conference whether I win the tickets or not. They are also giving away Voices of the Year e-books.

Let's see what the month brings. I mentioned a few times last month that there is always something to write about. I guess it is time to put that to the test. Wish me luck.
Good Luck! I know the thrill of self imposed goals and deadlines: I participate each year in NaNoWriMo which starts today. On top of that I decided to do a photo a day challenge for my blog. Have you participates in Blogging A to Z before? I think that's in April.
ReplyDeleteI saw the Blogging A to Z last year and plan to participate this year. I am already trying to decide what I will be writing on each day. Not writing anything, but picking my topics.
DeleteI have considered the NaNoWriMo, but that one intimidates me. I need to get pegged down on a story before I attempt that one.
I was wondering if you were going to do this, since you were already mostly there. I, too, have signed up and it's way outside my comfort zone. But I've been needing a reason to focus on writing more often, so here it is! I'm glad I'll be doing it with you!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I've got someone to do it with. I didn't know if any of the bloggers I followed would be participating. We can hold each other accountable.
DeleteWhen I started my blog, almost a year ago, I posted almost every day. As I got busier, I drifted away from that and at worst, I think I did maybe 1 a week. I'd like to try to get back to posting more but am pretty intimidated at jumping into something like this. Through the challenge, and now into this, you have certainly been inspiring me to write more. I'll be following you through this, best of luck.
ReplyDeleteI posted about twice a week for months. I just decided a few months ago that I needed to step it up. I want to get into the habit of writing all the time and then tackle a novel.
DeleteBest of luck to you. This is a noble goal and one that will surely stretch your creative muscles.
ReplyDeleteThank you. We'll see where this goes.
DeleteIt will be a challenge for all of us but I'm like you who posts often. I just need to remember Saturdays and Mondays. But it can be a quote or photo or something simple. I'm happy for so many bloggers who have committed to this. It will be lots of great stuff for us to read. Screw the books! No time in November...we have blogs to read!
ReplyDeleteI expect this to be a lot of fun and I look forward to being introduced to a bunch of new bloggers. It WILL be a lot of reading.
DeleteGood luck with your newest challenge! I might even join in on this one. I'm excited to read the posts from everyone joining though.
ReplyDeleteThank you. You should join in. It keeps you on your toes.
DeleteI just did! I'm really excited now. haha
DeleteGood luck! Looking forward to supporting each other at Yeah Write. I usually post 2-3 times a week, so this is going to be a big challenge for me.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad someone mentioned the A-Z challenge. I tend to find out about these things when they're almost over, and I'd like to do that one. I'll keep an eye out for it in the new year.
You should check out the A to Z Challenge. It happens in April. You have to post every day but Sundays themed around the letter for the day. You will work your way through the alphabet by the end of the month. Very challenging.
DeleteGood luck! My first year of blogging, I tried to do it every day (with about a 98% success rate). It was trying, but my writing (if you can call it that) improved greatly.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you really need to improve on your writing because it's awesome, but the daily grind does improve discipline and focus.
Now where am I again?
I will try to provide you with ample stories and experiences to blog about. And I will be sure that over Thanksgiving you have time to write when you need it.
ReplyDeleteSince I've been working where I canNOT blog, and my online time is greatly reduced, I give you free permission to use me as a subject if you feel inspired. Not that I think you need ideas.
We'll need to be sure to do something blog worthy when you're here. Inspiration shouldn't be a problem.