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Time seems to stop on these shifts. |
Kelly worked at a local restaurant and would get off work about midnight. She would drop buy most nights to grab a soda or sandwich before going home. Being one of the regulars I saw almost every night, we talked a little more each time she came in. There were several customers that I enjoyed conversation with, but she was the only one that would stick around and just talk. Being by myself all night, I was happy for the company.
In the beginning, she hung around an extra 10 minutes or so after making her purchase. Soon, she began to stay longer. She sometimes stuck around for over an hour before heading home for the night. I didn't think much of it. I had learned that she lived in an apartment by herself, so she had no one to get home to. She seemed to enjoy my company also. We were both happy to help each other pass the time.
The amount of time she spent at the gas station increased more and more. Being happy to have someone to talk to, I never considered it until one of the mangers said something to me. She had been seen on the security cameras and spent so much time their during my shifts they advised me that my girlfriend could not hang out there any more. I couldn't get them to believe that she was just a customer, but I understood their point.
That night, when I told her she couldn't stay so long anymore, she understood. She then admitted that she had been hanging around in the hopes that I would ask her out. As usual, I was totally oblivious to this type of thing. I had no idea she liked me. You know in past posts how I have stated that I have no game? This is an example.
She also said that if she couldn't hang out any more, then the opportunity for me to ask her out had come to an end. So, she asked me. I had enjoyed her company for the last several weeks. She was great to talk to, so I agreed. We exchanged numbers and she went home.
The following day, after getting a few hours sleep, I ran into town to do a few errands. She saw me and followed me back home. I was quite surprised when she pulled in my driveway behind me. I invited her in and we chatted for about an hour. When I started trying to bring the conversation to a close so I could mow my lawn and get some more rest before heading back into work that night, she wasn't picking up on my cues.
As time went on, I gave up on getting my lawn mowed, but bluntly said that I had to go to bed before going in to work. She stated she would be quiet and let me sleep. Notice that Kelly did not say she would leave. She would just stay quiet.
Not being as bold as I am today, I didn't object. I thought it was strange, but I said nothing and decided she was weird enough that our "date" was never going to happen. I went to my bedroom and went to sleep. I woke a few hours later, took a shower and walked into my kitchen to find her sitting at the table with a full cooked meal. I had forgotten she was there! I always appreciate food, but this was a little bizarre.

She showed up at my house almost every day. I was always polite, but would try to get her to leave. Often, I would not invite her into the house, but she was happy to talk outside. Once, when she showed up, I told her I was on my out the door for a friend's emergency. I hopped in my car and sped off. She followed me.
Kelly started showing up at my favorite bar. I would be hanging out at a friend's house and she would pull in his driveway. She found out what restaurants I liked to go to. She started showing up at my friends' houses when I wasn't home looking for me. My friends put up with her for a while, but eventually grew tired of her coming around all the time. After several weeks of this, they started treating her like crap. A few of the girls went as far as to tell her that she was not welcome in the group. However, she never seemed to hear it.
One day, I woke up to find her sitting at the foot of my bed. I decided I would have to throw being polite out the window. I yelled at her to get out of my bedroom. Once I got dressed, I found her in the living room asking what we were going to do that day. I told her she was going to leave and not come back. She was confused.
I reminded her that we had never gone on that date because she freaked me out. I had never, not once, invited her anywhere; she just came. My friends hated her and no one wanted to see her around anymore. She started crying and left saying that she couldn't believe she was being treated this way. I was relieved to finally have her out of my life.
The next night, I was sitting in the bar with my friends telling them the story of how it all went down. Now that she was out of the picture, they were volunteering more information about how they felt about her. They were telling me that she had referred to me as her boyfriend since the first time they met her. One of them said he thought she was my girlfriend since she was often at my house when I wasn't there. He had stopped by to drop something off once and she answered the door in a towel. She looked like she had just taken a shower. I had no idea this had been happening.
In the middle of this conversation, Kelly walks into the bar and joins us at the table, smiling like nothing had ever happened. One of the girls asked her what she was doing there.
Kelly replied with a smile, "This is where we are every Friday night."
She got up to go to the bar to get a drink. When she came back, she kissed me on the cheek and sat down beside me. She had never done that before. What was she doing?
We were all looking at her trying to figure out what was going on when she reached out and took my hand. Once again, this was new. I jumped up and said I was leaving. The rest of the group followed me out the door. We went back to my house.
We were sitting in my living room discussing what had just happened when Kelly walked in the door. I stood to say something to her when one of the girls got up, walked up to me and started kissing me.
This had been joked about a few weeks earlier. One of the guys had wondered what would happen if Kelly saw a girl making out with me. This girl decided to find out. She then sat next to me, curled up close and glared at Kelly.
Everyone froze staring at Kelly to see what would happen. Kelly stood still in the middle of the room for at least two minutes. Suddenly, her face turned red and she started screaming. She threw herself on the floor and sobbed. We all looked at each other. What do we do now?
I started to get up, but the girl beside me said, "No, we already know she won't listen to you. This needs to be a territorial thing."
She told Kelly to get up and get out. Kelly got up and started cussing at me. She called me every name I had ever heard, plus some new ones. Her voice was shrieking as she confessed how much she loved me, would have given everything to me, and would have been good to me.
Then she abruptly stopped crying. It was like a switch had been flipped. She was in full hysterics and then...BOOM!...total serenity. She smiled like nothing had happened. She picked up her purse, laughed as though someone had told a joke and said she would see us later as she walked out the door.
Not only did we not see her later (much to our relief), but none of us ever saw her again. She disappeared. I never did hear what happened to her. Of course, I never really tried to find out.
For the record, Kelly was NOT a redhead.

Wow! That's crazy. Your friend saved you! lol.
ReplyDeleteIt took me a moment to realize what she was doing. It had been joked about, but we weren't serious. She definitely set the mood to bring it to an end.
DeleteWe, Kadi and I, thoroughly enjoyed your awkwardness. Love you bunches.
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful it is appreciated. My special brand of awkward is often overlooked.
DeleteThat was hysterical -- though I'm sure a bit scary at the time. You need to write that out and send it in to a contest or something. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I don't remember being scared. I was highly annoyed, but she didn't give off much of a scary vibe.
DeleteOf course, that would have made it easier to hack me into pieces.
Dude, one day you will learn to LOCK YOUR DOOR! Amazing how much of this would never have happened with a locked front door.
ReplyDeleteThat said, you know you are the Pied Piper and whether you acknowledge them or not, everyone loves you: kids, animals, women, I assume men too.
I keep it locked now, but it's because of the children next door who like to walk into my house.
DeleteShe was obviously completely and totally unhinged. Good thing your friend stepped in. The escalation would have been frightening, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteIt was quick thinking on her part.
DeleteWow. Seriously creepy and very screenplay worthy. You are lucky to have gotten it to end more or less peacefully - I can see how it could have gone in a much darker direction!
ReplyDeleteLuckily, she just disappeared that last time. It would have gotten ugly had she shown up again.
DeleteThat is some serious 'Fatal Attraction' action, my friend. Did she boil your bunny too?
ReplyDeleteI was happily pet free at the time.
DeleteDid you never lock your doors???? How could you wake up and find her sitting at the foot of your bed? And oh my god, so creepy!
ReplyDeleteI had to help a friend with a girl stalker once in the same manner your friend did...by staking my claim over him. She was so scary, but she backed down when I told her I wanted some of his things back that she had taken in her stalker mode.
Have you tried to find this girl on Facebook to see what she's doing now? I'm so curious!!
Honestly, I don't remember her last name. This was over 20 years ago and wouldn't even know where to start.
DeleteI lived out in the country at the time and my doors were never locked. I don't even think I had a key.
Whoa. I love reading your blog because I get to learn so much about you that I never knew in all the years we went to church together. haha What a crazy chick! I do hope when she disappeared, it was to get some serious help.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I don't think I told this story to my Sunday School class.
DeleteDidn't you lock your door? I would have locked the door and added as many locks at the door would hold. That's absolutely insane.
ReplyDeleteI've never had a stalker (that I know of?) but my mom has. She tends to attract the weirdos and the creepers so I go into this mean sort of over protective daughter mode (kinda like dads do when their daughters go on their first date).
Today, my door is deadbolted most of the time.
DeleteWow, that's REALLY crazy. I hate stalker chicks - they give the rest of us girls a bad name. Good thing you had such a quick thinking friend! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe crazy ones can get really crazy. I didn't write all women off.
DeleteWow, how scary! A fully-fledged stalker.
ReplyDeleteI suppose you should see yourself as fortunate that you didn't come home to a pet rabbit boiling on the stove! (Fatal Attractions style).
I had no pets at the time. Knowing that she was spending time in my house when I wasn't there really makes me wonder what she was doing.
DeleteThat was freaky! Great post. I've had a few stalker chicks in my past, but none of them were like yours. I'm glad you finally got rid of her before she made a skin suit outta you...
ReplyDeleteI've never even had any others that wanted to hang around. She was just nuts.
DeleteMan, that's up there with my "Psycho" landlord story. Happy she didn't go completely crazy and cook your pets, or something.
ReplyDeleteShe had just reached that really spooky stage. I was very happy when it came to an end.
DeleteHow in the heck could you have forgotten about that one!?!? Yikes! Also, lock your door more, lol. Some serious psycho stuff right there.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I forgot about her. I guess enough time had passed that the memory just faded.
DeleteHey Dude she is most likely looking in your window right now, Yes Psychos need loving too, but it doesn't have to be you, turn around and close the blinds OK.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I would even recognize her today. Of course, anyone looking in the window would not be good.
DeleteI know others have said it already, but dude - a lock.
ReplyDeleteIt is kept locked now. That was 20 years ago and up until then, I had no reason for one.
DeleteI am wondering if the spy cameras have been noticed yet? Back then they would have been pretty big and bulky but with all that time alone in your house she had opportunity to find the best location for them.
ReplyDeleteYou know she is probably on America's Most Wanted for killing the poor shmucks that let her spend the night.
All this has gotten me curious where she disappeared to. I may have to try to find out. Luckily, I am not in that same house anymore. Whatever she may have done to it stayed with the new owners.
DeleteI think that you might be lucky that you didn't end up with your head in a shoe box under her bed someplace. But I understand the not locking the door. Most nights, I'm sure we forget to lock at least one of our doors.
ReplyDelete.....unless you're a crook reading this. Then we lock everything and have an alarm!
At the time, I lived out in the country and had never (and I do mean never) had any reason to lock my doors. I hadn't grown up doing it and it took a while to develop the habit later.
DeleteI keep them locked now.
Wow dude, I can't believe you are so nice to have let it go on for as far as you did.
ReplyDeleteI had a couple of these cases in college, though not quite to your extreme. Seems like she was probably bipolar.
Bipolar makes a lot of sense. I saw these extremes a few times.
DeleteI imagine blind devotion like that appeals to some people, but wow, it creeps me out. Good that you lock the doors now. Who knows if she will see this post and come looking to rekindle lost love.
Hopefully, she has forgotten all about me.