Saturday, September 3, 2011

Broken Promises

I like to have my blogs posted in the morning, but this one is going up very late. It is also not the post I intended to make. In my post on Monday, I requested suggestions from my readers on topics to write about in future posts. You can look at the original post and comments left here. This idea was born as I was writing the post and was not what I had in mind when I started typing that morning. That is what I get for sitting down to write without knowing where I was going with my words. As a result of that post and the suggestions I was given, I had intended to address the first topic I was given. However, life does not always play out the way we intend it to.

I took my daughter to school this morning and was coming home to take a quick shower so I could then concentrate on writing about 'planking', as suggested by Kalen Soger in Mondays post. As I was dropping my daughter off, Kyle (my brother) called me to ask why I wasn't home. Since he is self-employed and his children are home schooled, he forgets about how the rest of us are still slaves to that infernal clock. I told him I would be back home in a few minutes if he wanted to wait for me. He did wait and was sitting in a lawn chair in my front yard when I pulled in the driveway. I sat in another chair and we just talked and enjoyed each others' company. We talked about ministry, our jobs, my new neighbors, our kids, travel and a variety of other topics. After a while, Kyle mentioned that he needed to head home, so I get up and check the time on my phone. It was 3:15. We had sat outside for seven hours. I even still had my keys, I had never gone in the house. I then realized that it was supposed to be 102 degrees today. If it did get that hot, we never noticed.

Because of this, I did not get the blog written that I had intended to write. I do not regret this. I enjoy my time with my brother and will not let this blog get in the way of my life, but I did set a personal goal to blog every Monday and Friday. To write the blog I meant to write today will take a little bit of time, so it is not getting written today. It will be posted on Monday. The only reason I am making this entry is to keep the promise I made to myself and my readers.

Here are the topic suggestions I will be tackling in the next few weeks.
  • Kalen Soger wanted to hear my take on the recent fad of PLANKING. I will cover this on Monday and explain the adventure we had while attempting this new phenomenon. DONE (9-3-11)
  • Shane Morgan asked what I would choose to be my last meal on earth and how would I make my decision. I haven't figured out yet, why I am in a situation that I have to make this choice, but the question definitely promotes some thought. DONE (5-23-2012)
  • Adam Elliott challenged me to write about the difference in the TV ratings system over the decades and the evolution of what is considered acceptable for television. There has definitely been a change over the years.
  • Jessica Patch had more of an adventure based week in mind. She suggested doing something I had never done before every day for a week and blogging about each experience. It will make for an interesting week.
  • Ian Cates gave me one word, but it was a wonderful word: BACON. DONE (12-16-2011)
  • Tammy Soule wants a study on how Facebook has changed the way we relate to each other. Is it good or bad to be so 'in touch'? Good question, Tammy. DONE (5-31-2012)
  • My new friend from Colorado, Brandi Boddie, wants to hear more about what lead me to pursue a career in teaching. It is self-reflection time. DONE (11-29-2012)
  • Kyle Minor, my brother, wants to know who would win in a fight between Mr. Rogers and Pee Wee Herman. I have been thinking this one over and it is going to require some research. DONE (12-1-11)
  • Mary Stark challenged me to write a story. I have not done this on this blog yet, so it will be a change in genre for that post. She asked me to go to a cemetery, pick the plot of someone I do not know and 'weave a tale' about that person.
  • Stephanie Maines wants to hear about the places I want to travel to and why. I think I could write on that topic forever.
  • Jayson Ferguson is not included on the comment section because Blogger was giving him some trouble, but he sent his suggestion in via Facebook. Jayson and I went to Lincoln Christian University together about 10 years ago, and we got into more than our share of trouble while we were there. He would like me to write about some of those adventures. Jayson, it looks like some of our hijinks are about about to come to light. Now that I have my degree, what can they do? DONE (4-1-12)
You can see all the original comments (with the exception of Jayson's) by clicking here and scrolling down to the comment section directly under the blog entry. I will address each one of these over the course of the next few weeks. I may write about other things in the mean time. For instance, I intend to give my recollection of 9/11 next week and I am turning 40 on September 19. I have to write about that. Thank you to all of you who participated and be watching for me to cover your topic.


  1. I'm glad you got to spend some quality time with Kyle! Looking forward to all the interesting topics you'll be covering. :)

  2. I love it when time gets away from me! :) Unless, of course I forget to pick up my kids from school!

  3. Trolling your archives is having a bad effect on me. I want to meet you more and more all the time.

    I hope I don't sound like a stalker, because I've had them before and it's creepy. If we don't meet, whatever, but we really should...just to see if our real-life personas are as attractive as our blogging personas...'cause you really know nothing about me.

    ...and I don't know if you're an axe-murderer. ;)

    1. Believe it or not, I am starting to think the same thing. This started out as a joke, but I have been growing more and more curious.

      On a side note, I have had extensive background checks done to work at the Sheriff's Department and to teach in the public school system. My record is squeaky clean. So...that means I am either someone who is good at walking the 'straight and narrow path' or good at getting away with stuff.

      I don't know if that helps, but it does give me something to blog about. I could never kill anyone with an axe, because I know how much they hurt. The most blood I ever lost was due to a blow from an axe over my right eye. Not a fan.

    2. (of course an axe-murderer would say that!) I'm happy to be blog-fodder for you...just don't want to be lawn-fodder! haha.


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