Friday, May 10, 2019


Every week, a blog called Sunday Stealing posts a list of questions they found (stole from) somewhere on the internet. This week's questions were found somewhere on Facebook. It is called FILL IN THE BLANK.

The sentences were provided, but with blanks. My additions will be in red.

It's always nice when a new restaurant opens near my house.

Oh, that pizza. Yeah, we've met.

It's a sure sign of hunger when I'm awake.

Are we having vegetables again??!

My heart is immune to bacon grease and donut-related cholesterol.

Do you believe in diets? I agree only under a drug-induced coma!

I'm a gonna have another piece of pie.

I was full, but I didn't know you had ice cream. I'll find space.

 Eat cheese when the moon is full.

When we stack the plate properly, we don't have to make as many trips back to the buffet table.

Paula Deen is the best!

Underneath it all is an OREO cookie crust if it's been done right.

Oh! And thanks for the extra butter and sour cream.

And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting to bed early, tomorrow my plans include traveling to Laos and Sunday, I want to be able to sleep and not work!

I absolutely did not have the "food theme" planned when I started this, but look what happened. I think this offers some pretty deep insight into my priorities.


  1. I get the feeling you were hungry when you answered these :)

  2. Yep. And now that I've read all of yours, I couldn't do this one if I tried. I have food on the brain. Then again, I always do. Let's go eat.

  3. You know, vegetables are an excellent vehicle for cheese...
    just sayin'...

    1. I totally agree. Unfortunately, this part of the world doesn't have the same appreciation for cheese and it is difficult to come by.


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